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Summer School 2011: In STEP

Summer School 2011

Sunnyvale School District has continued to offer summer school classes designed to help students reach grade-level proficiency.  For the past two years,  Sunnyvale School District has partnered with Stanford University’s Teacher Education Program (STEP), to offer a comprehensive summer school program to approximately 800 students each summer. Master teachers at both Columbia Middle School (CMS) and Bishop School served as mentors to 66 STEP student teachers at CMS and 24 at Bishop.

Stanford student teachers assisted in the classrooms, making teacher-guided small-group work possible for students.  This rich program offers an excellent curriculum and adult/student ratio that greatly benefits student learning over a five week period.

For more information about STEP, please visit their website:

News brief by Nina Wong-Dobkin

Comments (1)

But I knew the students must be recommended by their teachers to go to Summer School. Before this summer,I called to the district because my son said he would like to attend the summer school. They told me that the candidate would be decided by the school not willing.

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