Everyday our students are assisted during their lunchtime by Noon Aides, caring adults who take two hours out of their day to help our students. Recently, Noon Aides from each of the Sunnyvale School District sites gathered together for a training to learn how to better serve our students. Research shows us that students who feel they are valued, known, and supported are more likely to make positive choices. Therefore supporting and equipping our Noon Aides is essential to helping our students thrive.
At this training Noon Aides looked at the “Steps to Conflict Resolution” and how to help students walk through these steps in order to be successful. The whole community can empower students to handle challenging situations by following
these same steps:
1. State the conflict
2. Name how you feel with an “I” statement
3. Reduce the tension
4. Brainstorm ideas for problem solving
5. Evaluate the solutions
6. Get help from an adult if you need it
As parents and guardians we too play a role in supporting the students in our community. The simple act of stopping and listening when they share their day. Making a connection over something that interests them, a simple smile, and
eye contact all speak volumes to our students.
Article by Raylene Nisbet, Noon Aide at Cherry Chase Elementary School