When children make the leap from elementary to middle school, one of the most obvious changes for parents is the decrease in volume of take-home (printed) communication from teachers. Gone are the days of red book bags, weekly homework assignments and monthly teacher newsletters. To keep abreast of what’s going on at school, it is critical that parents be proactive in signing up for online notifications from the schools. Both Sunnyvale Middle School and Colombia Middle School offer parents an easy way to stay informed about goings on during and after school.
For Sunnyvale Middle School Parents:
If you have an incoming 6th grader or are not yet on the PTSA communication list, please join the PTSA Yahoo! group. In addition to events at school, you will receive the latest and greatest information in a very timely fashion!
Join the PTSA Yahoo group by doing any of the following:
1. Go to the group homepage: http://groups.yahoo.com/groups/SMS_PTSA/ and click “Join This Group”.
2. Go directly to the group’s “Join” page: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/SMS_PTSA/join
3. Send email to the group’s “subscribe” address: SMS_PTSA-subscribe@yahoogroups.com
For Colombia Middle School Parents:
CMS does not have a Yahoo Group at this time. To begin receiving CMS’ e-mail communications/announcements, please email Gloria Diaz at gloria.diaz@sesd.org. At present, CMS has an email group set up for school parents however, community members may get on a list for a community-related email messages.