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Annie Jr. at Sunnyvale Middle School

Annie Jr. at SMS - June 5th and 6th

The public is cordially invited to the Sunnyvale Middle School Drama Department’s production of “Annie Jr.” on Tuesday, June 5th and Wednesday, June 6th. Both performances begin at 7pm; tickets may be purchased at the door: Adults $4, Students $1 and children 5 and under FREE.

Directed by SMS Teacher, Brian Brown, the performance features 34 actors and a crew of SMS Leadership students, teachers and parent volunteers. This is a great way to see the middle school electives program firsthand. Cast and crew hope to see you there!

Comments (1)

Nicolette M. Krumholz

I need to create this exact poster for our school. Is there anyway someone can email it to me, so hat I can edit it?

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