The Bishop Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) has had a wonderful year supporting Bishop Elementary School and enriching the experience for all Bishop constituents. The ongoing goals of the PTO include creating a sense of community among Bishop families, students, and teachers; raising funds for the school; and promoting the many positive aspects of Bishop to the broader local community. The PTO hosted a series of free family events, such as the fall family potluck, a wonderful Holiday Party, and three free family movie nights. The PTO put on a magical dance for the Bishop girls and an awesome Lego Building Night for the Bishop boys. In addition to these community-building events, the PTO has put on monthly PTO meetings with a wide variety of guest speakers and even a free Zumba class!
Through the PTO’s fundraising efforts of the annual Health and Fitness Walk-a-Thon and monthly Dine Out Nights, the PTO has been able to provide every Bishop student with the funds to go on a variety of educational field trips. The PTO has also been able to generously support campus activities such as the Bishop Buds Garden, School House Rock, Project Cornerstone, KLAS, 4th Grade Gold Rush Week, 5th Grade promotion celebrations and Science Camp with financial contributions. The PTO has been able to support the Bishop teachers by providing them each with a $200 mini-grant and several special lunches and snacks to show our appreciation for their hard work with the Bishop students. The PTO was also able to purchase a new laminator for the teachers, buy a new portable sound system, and pay for an amazing whole-school assembly about California Wildlife. The Bishop PTO thanks the record-breaking number of families who attended PTO events this school year and the many parent volunteers working together to make it all happen.
Article by Debbi Headley, Bishop PTO President