The district currently has two board positions open. The term for board positions is four years (2020-2024).
The following candidates will be running uncontested for these seats:
- Nancy Newkirk (incumbent)
- Isabel Jubes-Flamerich (challenger)
Board Member Reid Myers will not be running for re-election.
Nancy Newkirk has lived in Sunnyvale for 36 years. She received a bachelor’s degree in nursing from the University of Florida and was trained in early childhood education. She holds a credential in Family Development. She previously served as a Master Teacher at the Ohlone College Lab Preschool Program for three years and as Head Teacher with HeadsUp! Child Development Center in Palo Alto for two years. She volunteered as a First 5 Family Ambassador in Sunnyvale, a youth bowling coach at Homestead Lanes, and as a Music for Minors Docent. She is a member of the Sunnyvale Collaborative for Healthier Youth and Safe Routes to School Advisory Committee.
She is a Santa Clara School Boards Association District Representative and is active on the Hoffman Awards and Legislative Advocacy committees. At the state level, she has completed the California School Board Association’s (CSBA) Masters of Governance Program. She has also served on Delegate Assembly and CSBA’s School Health Advisory Committee Conditions of Children Obesity Task Force. Currently, she participates in the Equity Network.
She is a part of the Santa Clara County Office of Education’s Inclusion Collaborative. She was just re-elected to her second term in the Local Planning Council of Santa Clara County.
In 2011, she served on the Yes on Measure B steering committee, which advocated for a parcel tax that would bring $1 million annually to the district for seven years.
Ms. Newkirk first served on the Sunnyvale school board in 1995.
“We know that student success now extends beyond building academic competencies and key social-emotional skills,” Newkirk said. “It has involved deepening our partnerships with the community to bring additional supports. Over the past four years, we have worked to remove barriers to learning with our emphasis on high-quality instruction, facilities modernization, technology, and family engagement.
“This pandemic has amplified the importance of this focus. I appreciate the flexibility of students, staff, families, and community partners as they embrace these new challenges. It is imperative that we move ahead in our work towards educational equity. I look forward to the time when we can safely return to in-person learning as guidelines permit.”
Board member Reid Myers is stepping down after 9 years of service. She has been an active and passionate community volunteer and a Sunnyvale school board member since 2011. She has served as the Clerk of the board as well as Vice President and President. She is a former PTA President with professional experience ranging from managing million-dollar advertising budgets to leading the name change and re-branding of a global company.
Reid is the founder and leader of the Cumberland South Neighborhood Association in Sunnyvale, and she facilitates quarterly meetings of neighborhood association leaders across the city. She was co-chair of four successful campaigns to secure much-needed funds for the Sunnyvale School District during a time of difficult budget cuts.
She has served as President of the Santa Clara County School Boards Association and as an elected Delegate, representing Region 20, for the California School Boards Association. She is an active board member on the Sunnyvale Education Foundation, where she acts as a liaison between the foundation and the Sunnyvale School District.
She has volunteered in the classroom for Project Cornerstone, volunteered with the Juntos program at San Miguel, helped with food distribution during Covid, co-led the superintendent search, and volunteered with the Sunnyvale Education Foundation organizing TB testing of other volunteers, fundraising, and running a booth at the annual State of the City event. Reid has presented twice at the CSBA Annual Education Conference, once on Project Cornerstone and social-emotional wellbeing, and once on equity and supporting our LGBTQ students.
She has represented our district at the Department of Public Safety’s Challenge Team meetings for the past 9 years. She has worked with the city on Unity events, the art task force, rebranding, the hiring of the police chief, the Citizen’s Advisory Committee for the voter’s rights act and has been a part of State Assemblyman Rich Gordon and then Assemblyman Marc Berman’s education task force.
Reid has a BSBA from the University of Arizona in Marketing, and an MBA with honors from San Jose State. She lives with her husband, son, and two dogs in Sunnyvale. Her two children are graduates of SSD schools.
“It’s been a wonderful experience and an honor to serve our community for the past 9 years,” Myers said. “I will miss being on the board and all the great people I’ve met and worked with over the years. Leaving is hard, but it’s easier knowing our community is in good hands with capable, effective and committed leaders who care deeply about our students and staff.”
Isabel Jubes-Flamerich is originally from Venezuela. She is an American citizen, mother of two American-born sons, who have been students of the Sunnyvale School district throughout their school career.
Isabel is an educator, a community volunteer, a designer, and a green building professional. She is committed to being the voice of diversity, a great listener, and an advocate for equity and fairness.
She earned a bachelor’s in architecture and a master’s in environmental design, among other studies. She is currently an instructor in architecture at West Valley City College and have worked designing and building a greener world locally and abroad for many years.
Over the years, she has played many roles, but she says the parent role has been the most important by far. She has two children; both have been students of the Sunnyvale School District their whole school career.
“It always amazes me how each of them can be different people with different strengths and needs. That gives me a deeper appreciation of how individualized attention to every child can affect children’s outcome and success,” Jubes-Flamerich said. “We love our schools, teachers, community/district, and I want to be involved more.”
Isabel said she believes that everyone should have the opportunity to fulfill their dreams, and many times the chance to get a higher education makes the difference. She said she will work on bringing opportunities and encourage these pathways for everyone!
For information on how to register to vote for the November 3, 2020 election please go to