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Cherry Chase Elementary School Named California Distinguished School!


State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson recently named 424 public elementary schools “California Distinguished Schools” for their strong commitment and innovative approaches to improving student academic achievement.  Among those schools named was our own Cherry Chase Elementary School.

“I applaud these strong, thriving schools that are making such impressive strides in preparing their students for continued success,” Torlakson said. “This award is well-deserved by these school communities for their enduring dedication to high standards, hard work, and unwavering support.”

Cherry Chase Elementary School epitomizes these characteristics and have deeply deployed the Seven Correlates of Effective Schools to guide their professional practice at the school.

After being notified of this exciting recognition, Principal Anita Lee stated, “This award honors the steadfast work done by our entire Cherry Chase community over the past few years to support and extend the development of our students in the social-emotional area as well as in their academics. It celebrates our staff’s commitment to PBIS and Project Cornerstone and our parents’ unwavering dedication. I am proud of our school community and greatly appreciate those who supported our application process!”

Congratulations to Cherry Chase Elementary School and to the teachers and staff for all of their hard work in earning this recognition for their school!

For more information the complete California Department of Education April 30, 2014 News Release (#14-45) announcing California’s Distinguished Schools for 2014 can be found at under “What’s New.”


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