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Cherry Chase Wednesday Helpers

Cherry Chase Elementary takes pride in promoting leadership skills, community service, volunteerism, and advocacy to our students and former students. One way we accomplish this is by soliciting “Wednesday Helpers”.

Wednesday Helpers are middle school students who typically have attended Cherry Chase.  They volunteer at Cherry Chase on Wednesday mornings from 8:15 am to 9:15 am, a late start day at Sunnyvale Middle School.

Wednesday Helpers candidates go through an application process and are expected to act respectfully and responsibly while on the Cherry Chase campus.  They help teachers in the classroom by providing extra help with projects, pre-work, and reading support while maintaining an effective instructional environment in our classrooms.

Wednesday Helpers are role models to younger Cherry Chase students. Students enjoy having older students in the classroom and look forward to seeing them on Wednesday mornings.

Article submitted by Cherry Chase Principal Gloria Marchant.

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