On May 4 to May 7, seventh and eighth grade music students from Sunnyvale and Columbia middle schools traveled to Anaheim to participate in the WorldStrides Heritage music festival. Choral, Orchestra, and Band students each performed for an audience and three adjudicators who offered comments and suggestions for how to improve their performance in addition to a rating. The CMS and SMS choir received a Gold rating, the highest rating possible, while the CMS and SMS Orchestra and Band each received a Silver rating, with both groups narrowly missing Gold.
Each group received a plaque to celebrate their achievements and they are on display in the lobby of the Sunnyvale School District office. This is the first time in the history of the Sunnyvale School District that both middle schools have combined for a collaborative effort.
Following their performances, students then got to celebrate by spending a day in Disneyland and Disneyland California Adventure. The directors, Warren Scott, Aya Orozco, and Charles Ancheta wish to express their pride in all of their students for their excellent performances and representation on this trip. Go Spartans and Bulldogs!
Article by CMS Music Teacher Warren Scott.