Cumberland students chose the nonprofit organization Gravity Water as one of the beneficiaries of the Student Council’s Global-Initiative fundraiser this year. Gravity Water systems combine rainwater harvesting, storage, and filtration to give communities in developing countries, such as Nepal or Vietnam, a localized source of safe drinking water that is self-sustaining and 100% energy-free.
By raising over $2,000 for Gravity Water, the funds donated by Cumberland will fully sponsor a rainwater harvesting, storage, and filtration system. A Gravity Water System can provide an entire 500 student school with a permanent source of safe drinking water, which they can use on-site.
“It is just devastating even thinking about school children just like us who don’t have a source of freshwater,” said Carlie Breiner, Student Council Vice President. “Gravity Water and other Global Initiatives that surround the topic of water do just the thing to conquer this goal and make it easier for citizens in under-developed countries to reach their needs.”
The Gravity Water tank system uses a four-tier filtration system. After all the 4 levels of filtration, the water gets put in elevated water storage tanks. Having an elevated water source allows individuals, such as students or teachers, to access the water through the use of gravity, reducing the need for hand activated or electric pumping. Since the water is falling into the tank, gravity is the only force required to fill the tank up with water.
“There was no company match, just kids coming in and donating to a special jar in the library,” said librarian Lisa Atkins. As a reward for their donations, each child who donated will get a Beanie Baby or Beanie Boo donated by Atkins!
“We at Gravity Water feel these students represent the best in us and believe they are a wonderful example of putting words into action to promote social responsibility,” said Tyler Hubbell, Gravity Water Assistant Director. “With luck, they will serve as a catalyst for other schools and communities to band together and offer support for school children in developing countries.”
Article submitted by Lisa Atkins, Cumberland librarian.