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Ellis Eagles welcome new assistant principal

New Ellis Elementary Assistant Principal Stephanie Fischer

New Ellis Elementary Assistant Principal Stephanie FischerStephanie Fischer has been named the new assistant principal of Ellis Elementary School replacing Kathryn Armstrong who was promoted to the Vargas principal position in November.

Mrs. Fischer will begin her new role in April.

She has been with the Sunnyvale School district for the last 12 years and has served in various roles. She has taught both primary and upper-grade levels. More recently she was an Early Literacy Instructional Coach supporting three school sites: Bishop, Fairwood and most recently Lakewood Elementary school for the last six years. She also served as summer school principal in 2014. As an instructional coach, Mrs. Fischer helped support teachers and other school leaders by bringing evidence-based practices into classrooms with the goals of increasing student engagement, improving student achievement, and building teacher capacity in schools.

She received her BA from Cal Poly State University and her Master of Arts in Reading, and a Reading Specialist credential from Santa Clara University in 2011.

“Stephanie competed against a strong pool of candidates from around the Bay Area and was the first choice of the Ellis school panel as well as the cabinet-level panel,” said Superintendent Benjamin Picard. “I am pleased to be able to promote from within, acknowledging and rewarding the talents and hard work of our dedicated professionals.”

Mrs. Fischer said she is thrilled to join the team at Ellis and hopes to contribute to the positive school culture.

“I look forward to sharing my expertise in Early Literacy as well as supporting [Ellis’] Reader’s Workshop initiative,” Fischer said. “I am excited about this leadership opportunity!”

To instill a love of reading early on, Ellis uses the Reader’s Workshop instructional method, which includes regular read-aloud time, guided reading, group discussion, and student reflection.

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