The Sunnyvale School District congratulates Lakewood Preschool for receiving the Quality Matters Inclusion Endorsement from the Inclusion Collaborative of Santa Clara County Office of Education
By participating in the 2018 Inclusive Classroom Profile (ICP) Pilot Project with First 5 Santa Clara County and the Inclusion Collaborative of Santa Clara County Office of Education, Lakewood Preschool staff attended special training and receive a rating of 5 or higher on their final ICP rating.
The Inclusive Classroom Profile is an observation rating scale designed to assess the quality of daily classroom practices that support the developmental needs of children with disabilities in an early childhood setting. ICP ratings on a 7-point scale indicate the extent to which program staff intentionally adapt the classroom’s environment, activities, and instructional support to encourage children’s active participation. The ICP looks at the following areas in each classroom to assess the quality of inclusive practices:
- Adaptations of space, materials, and equipment
- Adult involvement in peer interactions
- Adults’ guidance of children’s free-choice activities and play
- Conflict resolution
- Membership
- Relationships between adults and children
- Support for communication
- Adaptations of group activities
- Transitions between activities
- Feedback
- Family-professional partnerships
- Monitoring children’s learning
Providing classrooms with high-quality inclusive practices will enrich and support all children, families, and staff in the program.
The Sunnyvale School District special education department provides special education support to 700 hundred students with disabilities, and approximately 100 preschool students with special needs.
Article was written by Kathy Wahl, Director II of the Inclusion Collaborative.
What a wonderful environment for our preschool students. Thank you!
Lakewood is proud to have such a quality program on our campus serving Sunnyvale students.