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San Miguel Elementary held first band concert

San Miguel first band concert

San Miguel first band concertThanks to a partnership between the San Miguel PTA and nonprofit Arts Initiative, San Miguel formed a school band program in October 2017 and had their first performance on March 27, 2018. Arts Initiative, which runs band programs at several Silicon Valley schools, contacted Principal Christina Ballantyne about starting the band. It was perfect timing, according to PTA president, Allison Joe, because the school now has a fully-filled PTA board, which allowed them to move forward with starting the new program. Kids have since learned how to play and how to read music. The before-school program, held on Tuesdays and Thursdays, 7-8 a.m., ran October-April. The program hopes to double in size next year, welcoming any second through fifth-grade students to join! Donations of instruments are welcome.

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