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San Miguel: Meet Jiji the Penguin

Jiji the Penguin

Students at San Miguel School have the opportunity to practice problem-solving and other math skills through a web-based program, designed and implemented by the MIND Research Institute, a neuroscience and education research-based non-profit corporation.  The program, Spatial Temporal (ST) Math emphasizes conceptual understanding of math, relying on visual and graphic representation of math concepts and problem-solving strategies while not requiring language skills.

On the interactive website, students help a cute character, Jiji the Penguin, overcome obstacles by providing correct answers to math problems.

For more information, please visit the Mind Institute website:

Interested in solving some math problems at home? Click on “Try Them: ST Math Games” at the above link.  Have fun!

News brief by Nina Wong-Dobkin, with assistance from Brenda Guy, San Miguel School

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