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San Miguel: Reading Partners

San Miguel School: Reading Partners

San Miguel School has been chosen as Sunnyvale’s first “Reading Partners” school. A full-time reading center will be set up at San Miguel School beginning fall 2011.  Reading Partners is a nonprofit organization that matches volunteers with struggling young readers.  Volunteers receive online orientation, in-school training, and easy-to-follow curriculum to work with students on an individual basis.

Compared to their peers, Reading Partners students gain twice as much ground in reading and are three times more likely to achieve grade level in reading.  On average, 25 hours of tutoring help students advance an entire grade level in reading skills.  Literacy is the most important tool to ensure a child’s success.  This program, with the help of well-trained, caring, and dedicated volunteers, can help make the difference between a student dropping out of high school and a student graduating from college.

For more information about Reading Partners, please visit their website:

News brief by Nina Wong-Dobkin, with assistance from Brenda Guy, San Miguel School

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