What an honor it was to have Senator Jerry Hill at Cumberland Elementary September 28 to recognize its being named a California Distinguished School with an official Resolution!
Senator Jerry Hill joined Cumberland Cougars for an extra special Friday Flag ceremony where he presented a Joint Legislative Resolution in collaboration with State Assemblymember Marc Berman’s Office commending the school on receiving the California Distinguished School Award.
“It’s so special because I get to recognize Cumberland and your hard work, the hard work of your teachers, the hard work of your support staff, and the hard work of parents,” Senator Hill said. “You’ve done a really great job and because of that I get to recognize you and present to the school this resolution.”
It was at that point that the Senator presented the students with the gold-framed resolution and the students let out several ooh’s and aah’s.
“Californians desire few things more strongly than the opportunity to send their children to excellent elementary schools with high standards of academic excellence that are committed to combining outstanding educational programs and practices with encouragement for students to succeed, both of which are vital to ensuring that students will be able to achieve to their highest potential,” Hill read from the resolution. “It gives me great pleasure today to show you the respect the state of California has for all of you and all of the hard work you do to earn this award and make Cumberland a Distinguished School.”
A California Distinguished School is an award given by the California State Board of Education to public schools within the state that best represent exemplary and quality educational programs. Approximately five percent of California schools are awarded this honor each year following a selection process.