Administrators, principals, teachers, parents, students and community members came together for a day of collaboration Feb. 8 at the Sunnyvale School District’s annual Stakeholder’s Lyceum held in Washington Park.
The event is an opportunity for all of the District’s stakeholders to share their input on how the District is doing overall and how it can continue to improve. Upwards of 80 people spent the day appraising the District’s mission, vision, and goals for the year. The last time stakeholders reviewed the district mission and vision was in 2011.
Participants reviewed current and proposed goals and strategies for meeting those goals for the District Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). The LCAP is the school district’s plan that describes how districts meet annual goals for all students, with a specific focus on English Learners, Foster Youth, and student from low socio-economic backgrounds based on state and local priorities. To learn more about the District’s LCAP please visit http://sesd.schoolwires.net/Page/1231.
The focus areas are:
- Provide rigorous instruction through collaboration, critical thinking, communication, creativity, and compassion
- Ensure schools and classrooms promote social-emotional well being
- Emphasize rich literacy instruction for all with a focus on students learning English as a second language
- Provide research-based professional development in English language Arts, Math and Next Generation Science Standards to focus on the instructional shift, depth of knowledge and differentiated instruction required by the Common Core.
- Increase and deepen parent education and community engagement
- Promote communication and transparency with all stakeholders
- Offer extended learning opportunities
The feedback the participants provided will be reviewed by the district administration and incorporated into current and future goals and action plans. The Board of Education will also be provided with a summary of the stakeholder input. The revised vision statement for the district will be unveiled later this year!
Article was written by Alia Wilson, District Communications Coordinator.
I am interested to know if active foster parents participated in the meeting?
The needs of foster children are many including for those in out of home care vs family. Specific training in trauma informed care for educators would help meet the needs of foster children, those in low socioeconomic homes as well as those faced with immigration issues or other traumas
Hello, Ms. Ivester,
Active foster parents did not participate in this particular meeting, but in the past they have. This year we have very few who have identified themselves as foster care parents but we do on an ongoing basis solicit input for their needs as foster parents. We agree that specific training in trauma-informed care for educators is incredibly important in meeting the needs of the whole-child, which is why it has been an ongoing part of our professional development for the past two years! Thank you so much for your thoughts on this and please reach out with any more questions.