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Stay connected with Sunnyvale School District’s mobile app

New app announcement

district mobile app

The Sunnyvale School District Mobile App provides password-protected access for parents to see live grade and attendance information, allowing families to stay up to date on student progress at any time, from anywhere. From the app, users may also set their own grade and assignment requirements, a feature that allows the parent or student to be immediately alerted through a push notification if a student’s score or grade drops below the self-selected threshold.

Other app features include:

  • District and school news, allowing the user to select the schools and district news feeds they want to subscribe to
  • Calendar information for schools and district events, including the ability to add events from school calendars to the user’s device calendar. Personalize your feed by choosing only your school or schools.  With 1-click you may add an event directly to your mobile calendar.
  • A tip line tool for users to provide the District with suggestions, security issues, and other important information
  • Links to the School/District’s Facebook and Twitter

The app is FREE and available for download today:

  1. From a smart-device, go to the iTunes App Store®or Google Play®
  2. Search Sunnyvale SD
  3. Select the “Sunnyvale SD” app for free download


This article was written by Communications Coordinator Alia Wilson.

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