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Sunnyvale Middle School Music News

Congrats Finn Burns, 8th grade percussionist, on being selected to participate and perform with the annual California Music Educators Association Winter Conference Honor Band at San Jose State, January 10 – 11. The Conference Band is comprised of grades 7 – 9, hand selected from participating schools throughout Northern California.

Sunnyvale Middle School (SMS) Choirs joined Columbia and Lawson Middle Schools at the Choral Exchange Concert with Fremont High School on Monday, January 13. Each school performed their own selections. The evening culminated with all choirs on stage together in song.

SMS Singers joined together in Downtown Sunnyvale to sing at the ice rink with Sharkie on Sunday, January 19!

SMS Orchestras performed at the annual Homestead Orchestra Festival on Saturday, February 08.

SMS Symphonic Band brought the noise to our lunch basketball game Staff vs. Students on Friday, February 14. The game went down to the wire with a tie! 26 to 26!


Article by Charles Ancheta.eighth grader Finn Burns selected to perform at San Jose State

California Music Educators Association winter conference honor band at San Jose State SMS singers meet Sharkie at Sunnyvale Ice Rink SMS symphonic band play during staff vs. student basketball game

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