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Sunnyvale School District Board of Education Updates

The following is a summary of actions taken by the Sunnyvale School District Board at the March, April, and May meetings.

March 7:

  • Approved the Second Interim Fiscal Solvency Report and certified that Sunnyvale School District will be able to meet its financial obligations through June 30, 2021.
  • Voted for the 2019 California School Boards Association (CSBA) Delegate Assembly Election for the following six delegates from Region 20 (Santa Clara County), namely Melissa Baten Caswell, Danielle Cohen, Bonnie Mace, Reid Myers, Nancy Newkirk, and Mary Patterson.

March 8 (Special Board Meeting):

  • Gregory J. Dannis, Esq., of Dannis Woliver Kelley, facilitated a Governance Team Workshop for the Board. Some topics covered were governance team dynamics, efficacious communication, brainstorming of goals and interest statement, and interest-based bargaining basics, among others.

March 28 (Special Board Meeting):

  • The Board participated in an Effective Governance Workshop facilitated by Babs Kavanaugh.
  • The Board also discussed examining all of our practices through an equity lens.

May 2:

  • Awarded a bid for exterior improvements at Columbia Middle School.
  • Awarded a bid to bring temporary classrooms to Cumberland Elementary School.
  • Approved the Development Impact Fee annual report.
  • Adopted Fountas & Pinnell curriculum for grades Transitional Kindergarten-3.
  • Approved the Memorandum between the District and California School Employees Association to resolve all outstanding issues in contract with regard to the reclassification of varied paraeducator positions.
  • Nominated District Employees of the Year

May 16:

  • Awarded proposal of Food Service Management Company to Sodexo America, LLC.

The next Board of Education meeting is June 6, 2019.

Board of Education meetings are generally scheduled at 7 p.m. on the first and third Thursday of the month at the Sunnyvale School District Administrative Office, 819 West Iowa Avenue, Sunnyvale.

The Board of Education is the elected governing body of the SSD. Its five members serve four-year terms and are elected by Sunnyvale residents. Learn more about the members, and view their meeting schedule, agendas, and minutes at https:/

Article compiled by SSD Communications Coordinator Alia Wilson.

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