The following is a summary of actions taken by the Sunnyvale School District Board at the June and August meetings.
June 6:
- Public hearing and adoption of grades 6-8 history-social science curriculum.
- Public hearing for the 2019-2020 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP).
June 20:
- Approved reassigning attendance boundaries for the coming developments in the Lawrence Station Planning Area from Ellis and Sunnyvale Middle, which are impacted, to San Miguel and Columbia Middle where there is capacity.
- Approved the Ellis modernization and new classrooms project. Ellis is the next school scheduled for renovation in accordance with the District’s Adopted Facilities Master Plan.
- Approved six new kindergarten classrooms project at Cherry Chase.
- Approved a new operations warehouse and asphalt rehabilitation project.
- Approved the final extension of the original lease with Challenger School, which will expire on June 30, 2030.
- Approved the purchase of school buses utilizing the Bay Area Air Quality Management District grant, which qualifies for additional funding through Hybrid and Zero-Emission Truck and Bus Voucher Incentive Program.
- Approved the 2019-2020 LCAP
- Adopted the 2019-2020 Budget. Current projections show adequate year-end fund balances in all funds.
- Approved employee contacts for the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment; Assistant Superintendent of Special Education and Student Services; Deputy Superintendent of Human Resources; and Superintendent.
August 8:
- Authorized the issuance and sale of the District’s 2019 General Obligation Refunding Bonds and 2013 General Obligation Bonds.
August 22 (Special Board Development Meeting):
- Discussed the District Education Technology Plan 2019-2022, Child Nutrition Program, and Board goals, Protocols, Roles and Responsibilities.
The next Board of Education meeting is September 5, 2019.
Board of Education meetings are generally scheduled at 7 p.m. on the first and third Thursday of the month at the Sunnyvale School District Administrative Office, 819 West Iowa Avenue, Sunnyvale.
The Board of Education is the elected governing body of the SSD. Its five members serve four-year terms and are elected by Sunnyvale residents. Learn more about the members, and view their meeting schedule, agendas, and minutes at https:/
Article compiled by SSD Communications Coordinator Alia Wilson.