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Sunnyvale School District joins Safe Routes to School mapping project

Students and families work together to identify safe walking and biking routes to schools

Students and families work together to identify safe walking and biking routes to schoolsIn the city of Sunnyvale, we want safe neighborhoods where all of our children have the opportunity to walk or bike safely to school. The Sunnyvale Safe Routes to Schools Collaborative is currently collecting data from each school to produce maps with suggested routes to schools. The primary focus is to gather data on usage of students walking and biking routes, assess safety conditions of streets, bike lanes, and sidewalks, and evaluate concerns of families getting to and from school.

But we need your help! Parents, school administrators, and students are invited to participate in the mapping project to improve traffic safety and help get more kids walking and biking safely to school. Norma O’Connell, Sunnyvale Safe Routes to Schools Coordinator along with Tim Oey from the Sunnyvale Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee will come to your school and conduct a training on how to gather the data necessary so that these maps can be made for your school.

For more information or questions please contact:

Norma O’Connell- Sunnyvale Public Safety or 408-730-7191

Pam Murdock-Sunnyvale School District Office or 408-522-8200-X1048

We still need volunteers from Fairwood, Sunnyvale Middle School, Columbia Middle School, Bishop, and Ellis.

This article was written by Pam Murdock, Sunnyvale School District Health and Wellness Programs Liaison.

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