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The Board of Education welcomes your input!


The Board of Education is the elected governing body of the Sunnyvale School District. Each of the five board members is elected by their respective trustee area to a four-year term.

The Board of Education encourages community members to express their views on matters affecting our schools. Board meetings follow a written agenda, a copy of which is available online no later than 72 hours before a scheduled meeting.

Community members may make suggestions, identify concerns, or request information on school district matters not listed on the board meeting agenda during the “Comments from the Public” section of Board of Education meetings. During the Comments from the Public Board section, Board members may listen but not respond to issues raised.

To speak during Comments from the Public, fill out a speaker card and give it to the Executive Assistant to the Superintendent. When called by the Board President, approach the podium (or raise your hand, if online), state your full name and affiliation (if any), and limit your comments to three minutes.

The Board will not hear personal complaints about school personnel or against any person through name or inference connected with the school system in open session. Such complaints should be referred to the Superintendent.

Learn more about the Board members and view their meeting schedule, agendas, Zoom link, and minutes at https:/

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