Our district facilities upgrades are on time and schedule! The work was made possible thanks to voter approval of our Bond Measure GG, which passed in 2018. The bond provides funds to renovate older schools and improve instructional technology across the district. Funds are overseen by an Independent Citizens Bond Oversight Committee, which monitors costs to ensure the money is used as planned to benefit our students.
All major upgrades are part of the District’s Facilities Master Plan, which outlines strategic improvements to be made to schools, buildings, and playgrounds district-wide. This overarching plan allows us to maximize the use of resources, with construction and maintenance scheduled over multiple years.
Plans are developed following the School Facilities Research Institute, whose data-informed guidelines identify campus elements that impact student engagement. The Institute links engagement to flexible layouts, natural light, and outdoor collaborative spaces, among other influencers of success. These elements and more have been incorporated into each campus project.
Work completed to date includes modernization and construction at Bishop and Lakewood Elementary Schools. Ellis is partway through its renovations, with its second story completed and work on its multipurpose room and library underway. Last month’s work focused on steel erection, pouring concrete slabs, steel decking, and metal stud framing. By summer, temporary portables will have been removed, a shade structure constructed, and playgrounds renovated.
The next renovation on deck is Sunnyvale Middle School, which will include 21 new classrooms in a two-story building, an art room, a teachers’ collaborative space, an academic quad, and renovation of existing space to ensure ADA compliance. The design was created for high performance and low maintenance, featuring the use of steel and concrete floors, integrated technology, LED lighting, and a metal roof.
In addition to flexible seating and natural light, typical classrooms will have open bookshelves and wall-mounted whiteboards. Art rooms will have plenty of storage and multiple sinks, and portable classrooms will be removed to make room for six basketball courts to encourage teamwork and outdoor play.
Stay tuned for more updates and please visit https://www.sesd.org/Page/5732 for more information.