
10 Sep: Here, here!

The SSD community has been working hard to improve student attendance and reduce chronic absenteeism, and your efforts are paying off — last year, over 100 more students experienced the positive impact of consistent classroom attendance than in the 2022-23…

board of education report

10 Sep: Board of Education Meeting Updates

Following are highlights of actions taken by the Sunnyvale School District Board at the June and August 2024 meetings. (No Board meetings were held in July). June 20 Regular Board Meeting Public Hearing: Proposed Education Parcel Tax on November 5,…


07 Jun: Bon appetit! Elementary students show off their culinary skills for the annual Future Chefs Challenge

Five Sunnyvale School District elementary students competed on May 17 in Sodexo’s Future Chefs Challenge. The national initiative aims to get students thinking about making healthy food choices while encouraging them to get active and creative in the kitchen! Sunnyvale…

Sunnyvale School District seedling logo

07 Jun: SSD welcomes new administrators to the District Office, a new principal at Vargas, and new assistant principals

Congratulations and welcome to the Sunnyvale School District’s new principals and administrators! Kathryn Armstrong – Coordinator of Instruction Kathryn Armstrong has accepted the position of Coordinator of Instruction in the District Office. Kathryn is currently the Principal of Vargas Elementary…